
Today's Contemplation

It is like an island on the surface of an abysmal, far-reaching sea. A great challenge for the disciple very early on the path is to learn to observe his inner world as a manifestation which far transcends his personality - that his behaviour and reactions are the steerings of paths travelled long before him by his ancestors, or perhaps, many lifetimes past. Either way, he must learn to take nothing personally, simply accepting his mode of being as an outcome of the human condition. This attitude is instrumental in an actual, existential seeing into the First Noble Truth - that "life is suffering". Although if life itself were suffering, living liberation would also be out of the question. Better to say, in the spirit of Socrates, it is the unexamined life which is suffering. This puts the First Noble Truth into its proper perspective. As long as one continues to interpret the realities of the inner world as personal, one can never come to know the true forces that are at the helm. Rather than seeing things as they are, everything is made to conform to the narrowness of the self-image, and that is precisely the master-thorn that needs to be uprooted ~Shri Amir Mourad
~ Shri Amir Mourad
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Musings to illuminate the heart and mind

February 2, 2019

The Temple of Sensitivity

Amir Mourad describes the art of drinking tea as a meditative process through a poem.   There is no anticipation But that is essential to this […]
January 28, 2019

Sambhavopaya: The Means of No-Means

The supreme means is no-means, sambhavopaya, where consciousness beyond attributes becomes a self-sufficient light to itself. All methods and practices are only for this sake – […]
January 14, 2019


Essentially, life is creative. and what else is creativity but the force of expansion ? Becoming drunk and blinded by every impulse and desire, does that […]
January 14, 2019


In this commentary, Amir Mourad explores into the challenge of creating meaning in a meaningless universe, and speaks of the concept of lila, the divine play. […]