Taken during Autumn in 2018.
Amir Mourad sitting in the desert of Dubai, UAE.
Shri Amir Mourad talks about consciousness oriented art during an exhibition at Arts Visuels Émergents in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Amir Mourad giving a discourse to students at the Shunya Yoga meditation hall in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Amir Mourad in meditation at a forest in Quebec.
Pic of Amir Mourad in the forest of Quebec.
Amir Mourad sitting in the desert of Dubai, UAE.
Amir Mourad sitting in the desert of Dubai, UAE.
Shri Amir Mourad drinking tea in the meditation hall.
Amir Mourad Quote about the death penalty.
Amir Mourad comments on a common misunderstanding of the “soul”.
Amir Mourad quote about the integration of silence in action.
Amir Mourad on the possibility of non-dogmatic devotion.