Shri Amir Mourad will be giving a guided meditation as part of upcoming artists newest exhibition, “The Space Within”. Alex Coma’s latest show plays with the concept of inner space where planets await to be discovered. Using that metaphor, where every inner planet represents an uncharted part of ourselves, he invites us to send rocket to go explore them. This event is the opportunity to do so.
Tea will be available and for everyone. Bring your meditation cushion or any cushion to allow you to be confortable. A few will be available for those who need them. For more info, please visit:
This event will take place at :
AVE – Arts Visuels Émergents
901 Espace B-105, rue Lenoir, Montreal, Quebec H4C 2Z6
Saturday, February 16, 2019 at 1:30 PM – 3:30 PM