The master also provides diksha (initiation) for those who are interested in accelerating their growth along the spiritual path through a more disciplined and committed approach to their practice, as well as an intimate communication in a master-disciple relationship, and receiving specific guidance along the path towards self-realization.
Besides being part of a community of sadhaka’s (initiates), diksha also includes private guidance in which special attention is given to the student’s unique situation, transmission of techniques, and observing his progress. These sessions with the master are offered entirely for free or on a donation basis, though initiation is necessary.
To receive diksha, a desire for initiation needs to be expressed by the candidate through sending a written letter to the address in the “Contact Us” section. Included in this letter, please state your reasons why you would be interested in initiation as well as provide an email address for contact. After reviewing the letter, a decision is made whether or not the potential student can meet the master in person for an interview. The candidate will be contacted through email with suggested dates for an interview. Please allow up to two months time for a reply. After evaluation in the interview. the master will then decide whether or not the candidate is suitable to be accepted. Please note that admittance as a sadhaka requires active participation, discipline, regular attendance, and, if interested, may also involve volunteering in helping to organize Shunya Yoga events. Also note that for candidates living outside of Montreal, the requirements for attendance are far more flexible though a minimum attendance is still necessary.